welcome to fish hebrides

Recent Catches

A fresh-run salmon being returned to the Sea Pool at Amhuinnsuidhe.
A solid 4lb sea trout nestling in the bottom of the landing net. The fish was hooked on a size 12 Silver Stoats Tail variant during August 28th.
Paul Clydesdale caught this 6lb-8oz salmon whilst fishing Loch Roag on South Uist during August 29th.
An Amhuinnsuidhe guest about to release a well conditioned sea trout.
Paul Clydesdale with a lovely 3lb trout from Loch West Ollay (South Uist) on August 26th.
A 9lb cock salmon from Loch Faoghail an Tuim (Grimersta) that was hooked on a Muddler during August 14th.
Michael MacPherson with a 7lb brown trout from Loch Huamabhat (Harris) that he caught during August 5th.
Beautiful markings on this Amhuinnsuidhe brown trout.
A nice sea trout about to be released by Adam Piper during August 5th. The fish was hooked on a Leggy Claret Bumble from one of the Hamanavay Estate lochs.
Brian Fraser with a bonnie trout from Loch Grogarry (South Uist) during August 28th.
An August grilse from the Morsgail Estate.
Dutch Mulholland with a Roag grilse during August 24th. Dutch was ably ghillied by Alasdair 'Atta' Macdonald.
A 4lb sea-liced grilse from the Ford Stream at Grimersta during August 13th. The grilse was hooked on a Munroe Killer.
A nice Hamanavay sea trout being released by Adam Piper. The sea trout was hooked on a Claret Dabbler during August 6th.
A well conditioned Loch Grogarry (South Uist) brown trout caught during August 28th by Paul Clydesdale.
A size 10 Camasunary Killer was the effective fly that this Hamanavy sea trout fell for.
Paul Clydesdale caught these two nice brown trout whilst fishing a South Uist Angling Club loch during August 25th.
welcome to fish hebrides


Angling reports from throughout the Outer Hebrides for the 2025 season will appear here shortly…….

Brian Fraser with a nice sea trout from Loch Roag (South Uist) during August 29th.
A bright 6lb sea trout from Loch Fada (South Uist) that was hooked on a Peter Ross by Iain Sharp during August 29th.
Gerald with a solid 8lb sea trout that he hooked on a Gorgeous George in Loch Roag (South Uist) during August 12th.
Sam Duncan with a hefty 4lb-7oz brown trout that he caught on Loch Langabhat (Lewis) during August 3rd.
Jason Hill hooked this 5lb grilse on a Stone Goat Muddler during August 7th.
Brian Fraser with a solid 4lb brown trout from Loch West Ollay (South Uist) during August 26th.
Quentin Gwyer about to release a 2lb-12oz sea trout to one of the Hamanavay lochs. Quentin hooked the sea trout on a size 12 Pearly Stoats Tail during August 17th.
Gabriel Gwyer having a real tussle from his first ever sea trout. Gabriel hooked the fish during a visit to Hamanavay Estate on August 17th.
Bold markings on this 6lb-2oz Loch West Ollay brown trout. Tony Connor caught the trout during August 23rd.
Paul Clydesdale with a solid Loch Grogarry (South Uist) brown trout during August 28th.
A nice grilse for Adam Piper on a Camasunary Killer during a visit to Hamanavay Estate on August 6th.
An Amhuinnsuidhe grilse being released during August.
A 4lb fresh run grils from the Grimersta First Stream. The grilse was hooked on a Muddler during August 14th.
Stunning colours and markings on this 4lb-8oz, Loch West Ollay brown trout that was caught by Tony Connor during August 23rd.
A nice Loch Grogarry (South Uist) brown trout caught by Brian Fraser during August 28th.
A 7lb sea trout from Loch Fada (South Uist) for Scott Clydesdale during August 19th.
Tony Connor with a nice 3lb-12oz sea trout from South Uist's , Loch Fada during August 19th.